Jenster's Musings
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Maybe Growing Up Isn't So Bad
Yesterday I found a box of old pictures out in the garage and looking through them brought back such happy memories and made me smile. It also made me the teensiest bit sad because I miss my cute "little" kids. Oh, how precious they were and what fun we had - the giggling and the snuggling and the playing. It doesn't hurt that I was also one of their favorite people back in the day. Then they had to grow up and those apron strings they used to hold onto so tightly have stretched longer and longer and their grip has loosened. Almost sounds like a bad thing.
Except for they were cracking me up tonight. I mean really making me laugh. And it just reminded me ('cause I know this but I forget a lot) that while sometimes teenagers can be exasperating, they can also be a ton of fun. I may not get the snuggling (though I still get a lot of hugs) and playing is not quite the same, there's still a lot of giggling. So I'm not the teensiest bit sad anymore.
Labels: joy, kids, laughter, nostalgia
Mused by Jenster ::
8:59 PM ::
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Grandpa's Fiddle
Some of my fondest memories of my grandfather are when he would bring out his fiddle and play us some tunes in his living room. I can still picture him holding the fret board with his nimble fingers, hunched over with his chin in the chin rest, foot stomping and mouth twitching in time as he would run the bow over the strings and make his music.
I called my mom tonight to get my Grandpa/Fiddle facts straight because I had them a little skewed. So here are the facts as Mom knows them:
Grandpa started his musical career when he was just a kid in Abilene, Kansas during World War I. He and a friend of his would hang out on the steps of the town square singing patriotic songs. Doesn't that just sound like something out of a movie?
Mom said she thought he might have taken some fiddle lessons when he was about 10, but he had to sneak around to do so. Mostly he taught himself to play the fiddle and he couldn't read music so he played by ear. When my mother's family moved from Kansas to California, my grandfather forgot his fiddle in the attic so in 1942 he bought this fiddle at a pawn shop in Oakland.
When I was a teenager I asked Grandpa if I could try to play his fiddle. I knew a little something about music, being a fair to middling pianist and a dabbling guitarist, so I was able to pick out Ode to Joy and he said it was the prettiest his fiddle had ever been played. So not true. It was squeaky and screechy and there were a lot of wrong notes. But I was his granddaughter and I was "playing" a classical tune on his fiddle. What else was he going to say?
Several years after he died my nephew, Matt - an awesome fiddle player, loaned Katie his 3/4 size fiddle and she and I took lessons together. Todd and Taylor took guitar lessons together from the same guy and he would teach Todd the guitar part of some bluegrass tune and me the fiddle part and we'd
ho down in the living room every now and again. We weren't so great, but it sure was fun!
Every time I look at the fiddle it makes me smile. I get my love for music (and a slight bit of musical ability) from both sides of my family and Grandpa's fiddle is tangible evidence of what was passed down from my mom's side. But even better are the memories and stories it provides - not just for me, but for all my mom's family. I saw a lovely bit of sunlight coming through the window yesterday so I decided to get some shots of this beloved fiddle. No doubt the pictures don't truly show it the way I see it.

And his rosin. I loved the way the sunlight made it glow!

Labels: nostalgia, photography
Mused by Jenster ::
7:50 PM ::
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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Katie's still skiing and enjoying every minute of it. Last night she called but could hardly talk because she was laughing so hard. I have no idea what was so funny, but I couldn't help giggling. I am definitely ready for her to come home, though. I miss her and I'm not ashamed to say so! Depending on the phase of her teenage girl angsty hormonal emotions when she gets home I may be ready for her to go skiing again next week, but we'll just play that one by ear.

Five of Taylor's buddies came over last night and ate burgers, played Wii and watched
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog. He wanted the guys to watch the DVD, but said he couldn't bring himself to invite his friends over for burgers and a musical. It's pretty funny stuff, though, and definitely not your average musical. Besides, half of them watch Glee so I guess they decided watching Dr. Horrible would not compromise their manliness any further.
Speaking of Wii, I got Todd the Wii Resort for Christmas. He's been practicing the ping pong so he can take on our neighbor, John. They talk smack to each other and everything, but it's really hard to take them seriously when you see their cute little Miis with their Aloha shirts and goofy smiles.
Men Boys.
After months of no thrush-like symptoms, I woke up Friday morning with the insides of my cheeks swollen and my tongue more swollen than normal. I could hardly talk or eat without biting my tongue or cheeks. But there's nothing to be done about it because it's not actually thrush, just a side effect of having horrible thrush during chemo NEARLY FOUR YEARS AGO! Plech. It happens when I get worn down, but I didn't have a bad week or anything so I'm not sure why it happened this time. I didn't sleep so well for several nights so maybe that's it. I don't know. It's still swollen, but not as bad as it had been. Stupid tongue.
Just last week I was thinking about how much better I'm doing in my head than I was even a year ago. And I definitely am, but every now and again these little reminders that I'm not the same as I was before cancer pop up. I don't often think about my new normal anymore and it's kind of funny that something as benign as a swollen tongue can bring it back. But I'm very happy to say that, while it used to feel like a scab being pulled off a gaping wound, it's now just a bruise. And not even a yucky black and blue or purplish-green bruise. A barely bruise. The kind you have to look at closely to see if it's just a smudge of dirt or an actual bruise. And I have to say it feels good. But I still don't like my stupid tongue.
I think that's enough randomosity for the morning. I'm off to write my thoughts about the Tower of Babel, now.
Labels: breast cancer, family, random
Mused by Jenster ::
12:26 PM ::
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Just Another Friday Night
Yikes! It's been a week since my last real post so I HAVE to post something tonight. I guess I'll just tell you what's going on at the moment. Kind of like Live Stream Blogging. (Is that a term?)
There's a Counting Crows concert on TV so Todd and I are watching that whilst
playing working on our computers. Alright. I just glanced over at his computer and he really is working. Whatever. I'm sitting in the chair with one leg propped up on the ottoman. Sookie had been sleeping up there with her head on my ankle, but she had a bad dream or something, twitched and then nearly fell off. The way she looked at me made me think she might be blaming me. She's no longer on the ottoman.
Taylor is hanging out with Kristen and another couple tonight and Katie is skiing in Vermont. Lucky little thing! Her good friend invited her to go with her family up to Northern Vermont for a long weekend. Her friend is an excellent snowboarder and this is Katie's first time skiing. Apparently she loves it. Boy am I glad because we rented her skis for the season and I bought her a really nice pair of ski pants. We live about 10 minutes from the local ski mountain so now I know we'll get our money's worth.
She and I went to the ski shop last week to rent her equipment and outfit her for skiing. It was the first time I'd been in a ski shop in probably 23 years and I forgot how much I love them. It also made me remember just how much I loved to ski many moons ago. Next year, baby. I'm skiing next year.
Because Katie is allergic to peanuts and peanut butter I try not to buy foods with possible peanut products simply because I don't think it's fair for us to eat something in front of her that she can't. But since she's gone for five nights I went hog wild at the store Wednesday afternoon. Peanut butter Chex Mix, toffee peanuts, Nutter Butter Cream Wafers, Sweet & Salty peanut bars, and peanut butter whoopee pies. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. I do think I'll be so over peanuts and peanut butter by the time Monday rolls around, though. Just in time to start eating healthy. Right??
Todd is now playing on Wii Frisbee and I think I'll go put the clothes on my bed away. In fact I think I'll let him wait up for Taylor and I'll go to bed and read for a bit. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do!
Labels: random
Mused by Jenster ::
9:47 PM ::
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Sunday, January 10, 2010
Noah's Boys
Genesis 10 is now up. The button will take you right there. I also published Genesis 9 on the 5th, BTW, but I forgot to let you know.

Labels: TTTB
Mused by Jenster ::
9:31 PM ::
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Friday, January 08, 2010
Living Simple

A month or so ago I mentioned that our microwave was no longer waving, micro or otherwise. It was just making loud, scary noises. We started looking into replacing the over-the-stove appliance right before Christmas. Not exactly the time of year to be spending extra money.
We also have to put about $1,000 into the car before it will pass inspection in March (new tires and another new driver's side mirror); the heater is acting up and as everybody across the country knows - it's been really cold everywhere; the roof needs patching; and we're now looking at college tuition for Taylor in the fall.
With all those expenses coming up the thought of paying for a new microwave is less than appealing so we've been kicking it old school. That's right, folks. We are making popcorn on the stove, heating our leftovers in the oven and actually cooking. It's been a great experience for the children to see what life was like back in the day when roughing it was just part of life and to maybe have a little more appreciation for how much easier life is now.
Next I might take away the Wii and let them play my old Mattel Football game. Just another lesson in living simple...

Labels: random
Mused by Jenster ::
1:24 PM ::
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Sunday, January 03, 2010
I'm Rolling Now
Look. Two days and I'm back. I've even written the next Trippin' post and have scheduled it to be published on the 5th. I'm really rocking my New Year's plans.
I think I figured out part of my non-blogging problem. My blog has been referred to as the Seinfeld of blogs by certain people (you know who you are). You know. A blog about nothing. Which is really easy to write about. But for some reason I started thinking I needed to actually write about something. I have no idea why. I do much better writing about nothing. So here I am. Writing a post about nothing.
It's good to be back.
For those of you who thought I was jesting, we really did have black eyed peas and hog jowls on New Year's Day. Except I didn't eat any of the hog jowls. That would be gross. The black eyed peas, however, were absolutely delicious. Even Todd, non-bean eater that he is, keeps asking his dad to show me how he made them because he had two bowls. Yes, they were THAT good.
New Year's Eve was kind of lame this year. I stayed in my room and slept most of the day because I was sick with what seemed to be a horrible head cold. Todd and his visiting parents stayed downstairs and watched movies or something. And Taylor and Katie went to Countdown, the youth group's annual New Year's Eve party. The band plays at 12:00 and this year Katie sang lead for Bon Jovi's "Living On A Prayer" while Taylor played electric bass for all the songs. We were going to go watch, but thankfully they're doing it again tonight at the regular youth group so we don't have to stay up all night. And thankfully my cold was very short lived so I actually feel like going.
I'm not looking forward to getting up for work tomorrow. The work itself is fine, the people are fine - I love my job. I just hate getting up early when it's so bitterly cold. Oh, who am I kidding? I hate getting up early any time, but especially when it's cold outside. Does anybody know how to trick myself into not minding getting up early? I'd really like to be able to get up around 5:30 every morning and go swimming or walking and get some things done around here before I go to work. But if I do that I'll just want to come home and go back to bed which would be bad for job longevity. If anybody has any ideas, please do tell.
Please do not mistake this for a New Year's Resolution, but tomorrow I'm going to start eating healthier. Really, I am. I'll let you know how that goes.
Sookie has been very naughty lately. She has a thing for Reid, the adorable Irish Setter puppy who lives across and down the street just a little bit. I know. She's stepping out on Brady and I don't agree with this lifestyle choice, but what am I to do? She's escaped the yard several times lately and Todd had to take her collar to the invisible fence people yesterday and turn it up. I think possibly her thicker winter coat was insulating her neck against the zap. Not so anymore. Hopefully she'll stay in the yard now. Trollop.
My Mother-In-Law and I went into Philadelphia Wednesday to see the Princess Diana Exhibit at the National Constitutional Center. We got there about 10:30 and the first available tour was at 4:30. So we found a movie theater and saw
It's Complicated, then we found a quaint little Italian trattoria for a late lunch and finally it was time for the tour.
I'm glad I saw it, but I wouldn't go see it again. It was waaaay too crowded. What I did enjoy were all her dresses and outfits I remember seeing her in and especially her wedding gown. I remember watching the wedding while I was at church camp so it was kind of surreal to see that dress in real life. Wanna know a secret? It wasn't all that pretty.
Oh, look at the time! I must be on my way to do more nothing so I'll have nothing to write about later!
Labels: blog, random, Sookie, whiney
Mused by Jenster ::
4:15 PM ::
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Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy 2010!
I hope you all had a good 2009 and may 2010 be even better! (I know. Very cliche'. But I do mean it.)
I'm not one to make resolutions because they always go by the wayside about the second day of January. I could maybe resolve to not do anything different this year and then I would probably meet my goals for 2010, but that sounds a little depressing. So I'm not going to make any formal resolutions.
I do plan to publish a post on this blog and my Trippin' Through The Bible blog at least once a week. I may not publish anything more than, "Yo. What's happening?", but at least it will be something.
That might sound suspiciously like a resolution, but it's not. Okay? Okay.
So this is a start. And I published Genesis 8 today, too. Now I'm good until next Friday...
You can click on this button and it will take you to today's
Trippin' post:

I just got a text from downstairs that the hog jowls and black eyed peas are done and yummy so I'm outta here! Have a great New Year's Day, everyone!!
Labels: holidays, life goals, TTTB
Mused by Jenster ::
1:51 PM ::
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