Jenster's Musings
Monday, August 09, 2010
My Happy Place is a River Called Denial

Two weeks from today will be a Monday much like every other Monday. Except Taylor will be six hours away at school. I'm very proud of him and super excited for him, but if I think about it too long I'm sad for me. It's going to be very strange around here.
Back in the spring he had narrowed his choices down to two. A local college and one in Southern Virginia. Katie tried to bribe him into choosing the local college with the promise that she'd bake him the pie of his choice every day. While tempting, it wasn't enough to sway his decision.

So now my baby boy, who hasn't actually been a baby for a long time, is spreading his wings and leaving the nest. This may be how it's supposed to be, but I don't have to like it. He's
my boy. He thinks and acts like me - not always a good thing - and he's nearly always good for a laugh.
And poor Todd. He's distraught about losing the hormonal balance in the house, not to mention his scary-movie-watching, guitar-playing, sport-talking buddy.

Then there's Katie. At times she feels like she's losing her best friend. Other times she feels like she's getting rid of her arch nemesis. Sometimes at the same time
The closer the time comes to drive him down to college the more real everything is becoming. My jokes about turning his room into a craft room/office/library/whatever have lost their humor and I find myself thinking about all the things I wish I would have done different. As my sister once told me about her kids, only by the grace of God has Taylor grown into the young man he has because it sure wasn't anything I did.
Sunday night will be bittersweet as it will be his last night to play in the youth worship band. Then it will be five days full of packing, gathering the last minute stuff, hanging out with his friends and just being the four of us for the last time until Thanksgiving.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.
(*the photo of Taylor & Katie was taken by Gail Anne Photography)Labels: college, kids
Mused by Jenster ::
6:41 PM ::
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