Jenster's Musings
Saturday, May 29, 2010
It's All About The Boobs - Part I
I know, I know. It’s been two weeks since I tantalized you with the promise of three boob stories. Sorry to leave you hanging. [*snort* That made me think of the old song I used to sing to my mom, “Do your boobs hang low..." But I digress.] Without further ado, here is part one of the boob trilogy.
For most of April and the first week of May I was lied to left and right. Todd lied to me, my friends lied to me, my kids lied to me... and I didn’t know. It’s a little scary how easily these people, people who supposedly care about me, could tell me falsehood after falsehood with a perfectly straight face. Let me give you a small sampling of the bevy of deceptions perpetrated against me.
Early April:
I need a tropical recipe for school for extra credit. Me:
How about Hawaiian Chicken? It’s easy and yummy.Katie:
Okay.Late April:
Do you think Katie would want to babysit for us on the 7th?Me:
Probably. We have a surprise birthday party to go to, but I’m sure she would sit for you.Laura:
So what are you going to do?Laura:
Bill and I are going on a date.Me:
Good for you!Friday, May 7:
I’m going to Nick’s.Me:
Are you going to come to Mark’s party?Taylor:
Yeah. We’ll probably swing by at some point.ToddTodd:
Katie just called and said there’s a leak under the sink at Bill and Laura’s.Me:
Oh, no.Todd:
She said it’s not bad. We’ll just stop on our way to Mark’s party and you can come in and see Laura’s new tile.Me:
Alright. I’ve been wanting to see it…It went down like this: I walked up to the front door with Todd so I could "see Laura’s new tile while he checked under the sink." When the door opened up there were all these people on the stairs and in the hall yelling “Surprise!” Turns out Todd had spearheaded a surprise party for me with some of our neighbors to celebrate five years of being cancer free. Mark’s wife, Amy, was in on it, too. She happened to be throwing a surprise 40th birthday party for him on the same night and even told him he was going to my surprise party.
They got me good! I had absolutely no inkling of their diabolical plan – the bunch of consummate fibbers. They had a luau for me, hence the Hawaiian Chicken recipe Katie wrangled out of me. Todd played the guitar while Katie sang "Grace" by Saving Jane - one of my favorite songs she sings. After that Taylor played his guitar some while we all sat around, eating and laughing and just having a good time. But the fun didn’t stop there. Oh, no it didn’t. There was also a cake. A boob cake.

(I blocked out the nipples ala
Girls Gone Wild commercials so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of my virtuous readers. Or reader. Whatever.)
And that', mi amigos, is Part I. I promise to endeavor to attempt to try to get Part II up in a more timely manner.
Labels: anniversaries, breast cancer, family, friends
Mused by Jenster ::
8:31 PM ::
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Thursday, May 13, 2010
IAATB - A Trilogy
Get ready 'cause it's coming. I'm starting a trilogy of posts called It's All About The Boobs. Why? Because I can. That and I figure it's better than one long post about the three separate "boob" events of the past week.
So stay tuned...Labels: breast cancer
Mused by Jenster ::
8:41 PM ::
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Monday, May 03, 2010
Five Years Ago Today...
Five years ago today I had the life-saving surgery to remove the cancerous tumor from my body. Not only was the malignancy removed, my entire left breast was removed.
Five years ago today I had a huge incision across the concave side of my chest and a drainage tube at each end. Of course, five years ago today I didn't actually see the incision. That happened five years ago tomorrow.
Five years ago today we didn't know exactly what we were dealing with - if the cancer had spread and what kind of treatment I'd have to go through.
Five years ago today I had a lot of questions. Or at least I think I had a lot of questions. Five years ago today I was on pretty good meds so I might not have had any questions other than when I'd get the next happy pill.
Five years ago today I knew my life had been forever altered, but I had no idea to what extent. Five years ago today I figured I'd go through treatment - whatever that might mean - and eventually everything would be back to normal.
Five years ago today I was a little delusional.
Five years ago today somebody stole my pink ribbon car magnet off the back of my van while I was having a mastectomy.
Five years ago today the surgical waiting room was full of people I love with all my heart. Those people prayed for me, they told stories about me and they ate my peanut M&Ms.
Five years ago today I assured those people I love that everything would be okay as I left them at the surgical waiting room on my way back to pre-op. (I might not have been quite so magnanimous had I known they were going to eat my peanut M&Ms.)
Five years ago today I sang "I Want To Be Sedated" as they wheeled me into the operating room. At least that's the story Todd tells. With my history it's very likely.
Five years ago today my sister, Terri, and my Mother-In-Law went shopping and bought me all sorts of beautiful things to make my recovery as pleasant as possible.
More than five years ago today I believed Todd loved me and God would see us through this whole ordeal.
Five years ago today was the start of that belief turning into knowledge.
Today is a huge day for me. Five years in the life of a cancer survivor is a big thing. It's that magic day when the risk of recurrence or metastasis is reduced. I like the sound of that.
Today is the day after Lynn Redgrave died from breast cancer.
Today I have breast cancer sisters with recurrences and metastases.
Today I'm thrilled to have made it to five years with my four favorite words, "No Evidence of Disease", but I can't help but think of those who haven't been so fortunate.
Today I will celebrate my milestone.
Today I will enjoy the beautiful roses Todd bought me.
Today I will relish every kind comment either in person or on my Facebook status.
Today I will thank God for my good health.
Sunday I will walk in the Philadelphia Race for the Cure for every woman I know who has dealt/is dealing with this disease.
Today Todd gave me a dozen red roses and five pink roses:

Today Todd gave me five more pink roses for my bedside table:

Today it's good to be me.
Crossposted at
Mothers With CancerLabels: anniversaries, breast cancer
Mused by Jenster ::
7:27 PM ::
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