Jenster's Musings
Monday, July 16, 2007
Weekend Recap
FRIDAYFriday night I was figuring out just how many of my bonus Weight Watchers points I had to use after a delicious dinner of grilled steak, baked potato, salad and a glass of wine, the phone rang. We have caller ID and the name and number pops up on the television. To say I was surprised is putting it mildly.
“Hello?” I said cautiously.
“Hi, Jen! Do you know who this is?”
“Manic?” I asked slowly.
“Yeah! Guess who’s here with me?”
I made the logical guess. “Swishy?”
*giggle, giggle*
How fun was that? It was a great way to start the weekend and I’ve giggled to myself several times since then. Those girls are crizazy fun!
SATURDAYTodd’s parents flew in from California Tuesday night. They have a timeshare and were able to get a week in New York City. The plan was they would take the kids to NYC Saturday, bring them home on Tuesday, return to the city on Wednesday and come back the following Saturday.
About 1:00 in the morning their other son, Tim, called to say that Rachele wasn’t doing well. She was uncomfortable and a little bit panicked, but that she was sleeping at the moment. Susan told him if she was still anxious and uncomfortable in the morning he needed to take her to the emergency room if for no other reason than to check the babies and ease her mind.
The next call was at 10:30. They were at the hospital and Rachele was in labor. A c-section had been planned for August 1st, but apparently the kiddos had other plans. Tim called while they were prepping her for surgery and then called again to fill us all in on the new additions.
Once it was established Rachele and the babies – and Tim, too – were all okay the Grandparents and our kids left for New York City. Katie is turning into a native.
Not only were Nicholas and Olivia born on Bastille Day, but July 14th is Susan’s birthday, too. So Todd and I sent flowers and three balloons to Tim and Rachele. A blue “baby boy” balloon, a pink “baby girl” balloon, and a “Thank You” balloon; along with a note that read something along the lines of, “Thank you for having the babies on Grandma’s birthday so she’d forget we didn’t get her a gift.”
Later in the afternoon Todd and I went to see Live Free or Die Hard. Where do I even begin to describe the sheer awesomeness of this movie? I don’t remember the last movie that entertained me quite so much. Of course, movies are darned expensive and we don’t go very often so that may have something to do with it. But this was easily my favorite of the Die Hard movies.
Here’s the movie synopsis from IMDB:
When a criminal plot is in place to take down the entire computer and technological structure that supports the economy of the United States (and the world), it's up to a decidedly "old school" hero, police detective John McClane, to take down the conspiracy, aided by a young hacker.
This is a particularly interesting storyline to Todd because not only does he work in the electricity sector (one of the terrorist targets in the movie), but he works with FBI and Homeland Security developing standards and procedures so this type of thing doesn’t happen. With the exception of an “I don’t think so” here and there from Todd, he enjoyed it just as much.
Witty humor, incredible stunts and special effects, explosions, explosions and more explosions. How much more entertaining can two hours be??
SUNDAYMy big event yesterday was going to church. I always feel like I’m missing something when I don’t get to go and, understandably, I’d missed the last couple of weeks. But there’s such a feeling of rightness when you walk up to the building and friends see you and hug on you and tell you they missed you and how are you and all that. And for me there’s just something special about singing the songs – worshiping with others and hearing all the voices lifted in praise. Now that Todd is a
mature man he carries a hanky with him. All I have to do is tap him on the arm and he hands me his handkerchief because I can never make it through the singing without tearing up.
By the time church was over I was exhausted and I came home and sat for the rest of the day. Todd had to go back at 3:30 for youth group so I just watched TV, read, surfed the net. Yeah – none of that is exciting and not worthy of posting, but I did anyway.
RANDOMOn another note, so far I’ve lost 13.5 pounds. While I’m thrilled with another 3.5 pounds lost this past week, Weight Watchers is not. Now I’m losing weight too fast. BAH! I think the fat may be tired of hearing me complain about it and it just wants gone. I’m good with that.
Today marks two weeks since the hysterectomy and I’m feeling very good. I’m even sleeping on my sides, now, which is very exciting. My biggest problem is that I am a stretcher and stretching is a bit uncomfortable. But I can’t help it. It’s like some alien takes over my body for a minute and my legs and arms unfold and lengthen, all the while I’m trying not to. But even that’s getting better.
Tomorrow I see the dermatology specialist about my funky rashes and blisters that are pretty much gone. But at least I’ll then be established with him so I won’t have to wait three or four months the next time I’m afflicted.
In closing I have this silly little story for you that actually happened since I wrote the last paragraph. Todd has a circular sore on the top of his right foot and I asked him what it was from. He said he didn't know and I said, "Oh! Maybe it's a stigmatism!" Which totally cracked us up because for one thing it's "astigmatism" and more importantly because I meant "stigmata".
Okay. That wasn't such a great story, either, but I had to write it down before he had a chance to.
Labels: babies, blog, family, food, friends, fun, God, humor, kids, medical, random, weight management
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