Jenster's Musings
Thursday, April 30, 2009
17 Again
Actually 17 for the first time. Taylor is 17 today. Where have the years gone? I seriously don't know. I do know this, though. Todd and I have shared 17 years of nearly all good with him. And the not so good? Not so bad. We have been truly blessed. I wish I could say it's because we're such great parents. The truth of the matter, however, is that we still don't really know what we're doing. Especially with him, our firstborn. He's the guinea pig. So the logical conclusion is it's only by the grace of God that he's gotten to the ripe old age of 17 with such little trouble. My sister told me that about her boys several years ago when Taylor was still very young and it all makes perfect sense to me now.
So Taylor - you are cherished by your parents who love you very much. Happy Birthday!
Labels: birthdays, blessings, kids
Mused by Jenster ::
7:46 AM ::
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
Where Has The Time Gone??
Hello, Friends!! I can't believe I haven't written a post in over two weeks. I don't think I've ever gone this long before. Things are fine, just busy. A lot has gone on around here since the last post and I promise I'll get to it all - maybe this evening. But for now I'm just here to say I'm still around, things are fine, and I've finally started my Trippin' Through The Bible series at the CLEAR Website. I also made a nifty little button so every time I do a TTTB post you can just click the button if you want to read it.
So until later...
Mused by Jenster ::
2:17 PM ::
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Friday, April 10, 2009
10 On The 10th
They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery so I am hereby flattering
Gretchen, who got this from
Mer, which means I am also flattering Mer by extension.

My Top Ten Favorite Things About Today
1. A run through Starbuck's for a Venti White Chocolate Mocha and a warmed raspberry scone on my way into the office for about an hour.
2. Listening to Katie and her friend, Devon, laugh about the fun sleepover they had last night with a couple other girls after I picked them up and took Devon home the long way.
3. Browsing through the gift shop of Floral and Hardy nursery with my Mother-In-Law, Susan, and making a mental list of all the exceptionally cute things I would love to own.
4. Being pampered with a Tropical Island Pedicure, which included a sea salt rub, mango heat wrap AND a dish of orange sherbet with a tiny umbrella, all while Katie was pampered on my left and Susan was pampered on my right.
5. Embarrassing Katie by walking into the charming restaurant after our pedicures with the foam separaters still on my toes.
6. Finally deciding on a chick flick that all three of us want to watch tonight.
7. Getting a text message from Katie's friend telling me where she spotted a church with a red door. (It's a photography project I have in my head.)
8. Relishing the beautiful green hills, blooming bushes, budding trees, old farmhouses and gorgeous farms while driving through the country.
9. Watching Sookie catch the tennis ball (half the time, anyway).
10. Knowing that I don't have to do anything of any worth for the rest of the day, other than pick out what dessert I want Taylor and my Father-In-Law to pick up for me at Applebee's and watch movies with the girls.
Labels: 10 on the 10th
Mused by Jenster ::
5:55 PM ::
17 People musing:

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Saturday, April 04, 2009
Hello, My Friends...
I have been very absent lately. For you, my fan, I am very sorry. Life just keeps getting in the way. But I'm here for a minute or two to give you a quick update of the last week or so.
About this whole depression thing - I have been on a very mild antidepressant for a little over a week now. I don't know if it's a placebo effect or if it started working quickly, but I can definitely tell a difference. Thank you again for your kind words and prayers. I don't think I can ever express to you just how much they all have meant to me.
Last Sunday we celebrated a whole year with Sookie. Can you believe it's been that long?? I can't. Do you remember how cute and fluffy she was? If not, just check out
THIS post. What a little cutie!! She's not quite so little or fluffy anymore, but we still think she's pretty cute.

Todd's parents came in from SoCal Wednesday night to hang out with us for a couple of weeks. The kids are out of school part of next week and the day after Easter and now that the grandparents are here we have some good excuses to do fun, touristy things we maybe wouldn't do otherwise.
Katie was in the Spring play last night. It was set in the 50's and the kids looked so cute in their poodle skirts and such. I threw a pink felt poodle skirt sans the poodle together Sunday night. It took me about 10 minutes. And while I could have done much better if I'd taken the time, it still looked pretty cute. I mean, nobody could see that it didn't have a waistband and was held up by safety pins.
At the end of the play some of the kids came out and did the cutest dance. Katie's partner was a little - and I mean "little" - 7th grade boy and at the very end he jumped up and she held him. She's not so big herself, but she was definitely the heftier of the two.
Afterwards we went to a diner with THE most fabulous desserts with our friends whose daughter was also in the play. It was a fun Friday night and sure beat sitting at home watching nothing on the TV!
Today was Easter Eggstravaganza 2009 at the church. Oh.My.Gosh. At this writing I have no idea how many kids were there, but I do know they had to park people on the street. The wind was gusting and it was cold, but it didn't seem to keep anyone away.
The theme was Candy Land and all the classrooms were decorated as such. There were crafts and games in the different lands and really, it was phenomenal. We had a petting zoo outside and three different fields for egg hunts according to the kids' ages. From what I understand, we used all of the 30,000 filled eggs in the hunts. We also had food vendors and cotton candy and popcorn -- it was extraordinary. Oh! And guess what my job was. Coffee. Doesn't that seem appropriate?
We have outgrown the building we're currently in and it was originally built to eventually be the Valley Kids (our children's ministry) building. So we are in the process - and oh, so close to finishing - our new building which is much larger and will eventually be the student building when our campus is completed in however many years. All that is to say it would have been awesome if we could have used the new building today - our food vendors were outside and the wind caused a few problems. But still, I was amazed at how smoothly everything ran today and how many people showed up. Awesome stuff, that.
I guess that's about it for right now. My Mother-In-Law is cooking dinner tonight and I smell something really yummy downstairs. I think I must go investigate!!
Labels: church, depression, family, kids, random
Mused by Jenster ::
3:25 PM ::
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