Jenster's Musings

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sickies In My House

I have two sick boys at home with me today. They both have a sinus infection and bronchitis.

It's very sad for them because I am NOT a good nurse. I'm very low on the compassion scale. Oh, I feel bad for them, but I'm not going to wait on them hand and foot. Which right now isn't even an issue because they both have taken some mighty powerful cough syrup and are asleep in the family room while Tora Tora Tora plays on the T.V.

We were supposed to have a late lunch with some friends yesterday and then see Pirates of the Caribbean III. We had even watched the first two so as to refresh our memories! Instead we all laid around and watched Freaky Friday and then chilled for the rest of the day.

While I don't hold their illnesses against them, they are boiling my vibe. My day runs on a type of schedule and having someone else here messes with my mojo. I always used to think of myself as spontaneous, but obviously I'm not. I don't do well with a change to my routine.

So my plan is to keep them as drugged as possible today and then send them on their merry way tomorrow.

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Mused by Jenster :: 1:30 PM :: 8 People musing:

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