Jenster's Musings

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Revolve in Kodachrome

I took 365 pictures Friday and Saturday. Before you panic, I haven't posted all of them. In fact I've only posted pictures which didn't include any of the girls. So here we go...

On the bus Friday afternoon:

Does anyone else find this kind of funny?

Friday night traffic in Philadelphia:

Wachovia Spectrum starting to fill up:

The ride home:

My pink slippers, pizza and a soda at 11:00 Friday night:

One of the adults, Stacy, considered riding the air mattress down the steps like a surfboard. Thankfully she didn't do that. She was our nurse and no good could have come from it:

Our bus at 0-dark-thirty Saturday morning:

This one speaks for itself:

Hawk Nelson on the stage:

All the speakers and singers in a Q&A session:

An empty stadium:

The sunset over the church after everyone left:

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Mused by Jenster :: 4:49 PM :: 13 People musing:

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