Jenster's Musings

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Blame It On The Rain

Or O' What A Terrible Morning.

O' what a terrible morning
O' what a horrible day
I've got a wonderful feeling
Nothing is going my way
[An appropriate song considering Todd is in Tulsa. If you don't get the connection then you either: One) don't live in America; B) have not been exposed to the great musical classics; or THIRD) ...I got nuthin. Just One or B.]

The morning started out pretty good. I got up around 6:35 so I could hang out with Taylor for about ten minutes, give or take, before he left for school. Katie made a small pot of coffee for me and we turned on the news to catch the weather. The entire eighth grade had a field trip to Dorney Park - an amusement/water park in Allentown - and yesterday's news forecasted some pretty wild stuff today.

Taylor left for the bus stop and it was pretty cloudy out, but no sign of precipitation. I figured I could jump in the shower after he left and be out in time to drive Katie and Shelby to the corner if the storm hit. But just then the jovial meteorologist came on and showed the line of severe thunderstorms with almost constant lightening strikes headed our way - the worst of which was scheduled to hit our area in four more minutes.

Now, as you all know, I lived in the South for 18 years. I don't mind a good thunderstorm now and then. In fact I kind of like them. But there are two things I won't do when we're in the middle of a cluster of lightening. I won't talk on the phone and I won't do anything with water. And I AM a girl which means my showers last more than four minutes. So I decided I'd wait to take my shower until after I took the girls to the bus stop.

The weatherman was true to his word and at 6:52 the skies opened up, complete with a spectacular fireworks display and a grand bass drum concert. I had my coffee and was snuggled into the oversized chair while we watched the weather when Katie decided she needed to sit with me. So there we both were, stuffed into the chair while Sookie wandered around the living room anxiously. Finally she just sank down in her crate, watching Katie and me from her safe place.

We sat like that for nearly 30 minutes until it was time to go get Shelby and wait for the bus. Thankfully by then the storm had settled down some - no lightening right overhead, anyway. The bus was late and when it showed up the girls jumped out of the car and I sped the half a block home so I could hit the shower.

But before I could get in the shower Katie texted me because I forgot to give her the money I told her I would. It wasn't like I could just drop it off on my way to work because they would be leaving for Dorney Park before I could get there. *sigh* My shower was going to have to be put on hold again. Then I got another text, this time from Taylor, asking if I could bring him a t-shirt, socks and another pair of shoes because he was drenched. Apparently he had gotten a ride from his friend, Josh, up the street. That was really nice. Except for the fact that Josh's parking space (they're assigned) is across the street from the high school - almost to Katie's school. They had to run from there to the high school in the pouring rain, hence the soaked clothing.

Off came my jammy bottoms and on came a pair of knit exercise Capri's. I kept the tank top and light sweatshirt on, slipped on my flip flops, ran a hand through my hair and took off. First to drop off Katie's money and then to drop off dry clothes for Taylor. I was looking hawt! Really. I'm sure the kids are glad none of the students who saw me associated me with my offspring.

I got home, let out the dog and sent an email to my ladies at work so they would know I was going to be late. Sookie came in and followed me upstairs - me into the bathroom and she into my sitting room to sniff around. Except when I then walked into the sitting room I saw that she hadn't been sniffing around. She'd been peeing! On my carpet! That's just weird. She never pees in the house. What's up with that??? I obviously had to clean it up before I could get in the shower and I began to question if I'd ever make it to work. My enjoyable morning had quickly slid downhill.

But I did make it to work and it was delightful. The last couple of weeks have been crazy hectic - I'll have to tell you about it in the next day or two. Today, however, was great. I had plenty to do, but I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I feel like I accomplished more today than I have in a while - probably because it was a lot of little things that I could check off my list. Ahhhh...

I just hope tomorrow morning runs a little smoother.

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Mused by Jenster :: 5:43 PM :: 2 People musing:

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