Jenster's Musings

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Gone By

My kids were off doing their own thing last night and I don't have any pictures of them. But here's a fun little walk down memory lane:

1994: Katie's a week old and Taylor is 2 1/2

1995: Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

1996: Luke Skywalker and Pincess Leia

These are either from 1998 or 1999. Pippie Longstocking and a Ninja. Seemed like Taylor was a Ninja for just about every year after that.

I couldn't find their 1997 picture - a princess and knight. So cute! Oh, for the days they liked to do themes for their costumes...

Mused by Jenster :: 6:20 PM :: 10 People musing:

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