Jenster's Musings

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just a Regular Day

I had my first solo outing today in six weeks. I went to Target and the grocery store. It was exhilarating. It didn’t even matter that it was only 22 degrees outside.

I looked at purses at Target, but nothing struck my fancy. So I moved on to the intimate apparel department and looked longingly at bras. It's been over two years since I bought one and I think I have a bit of an obsession. When I cleaned out my drawers before we moved from Arkansas I counted 36. Why does one woman need 36 bras? Maybe it was to make up for my lack of… um… yeah. Whatever. I’m still not supposed to wear a bra and I’m not even sure what size I’m supposed to get yet – things are still “settling” – so there’s no use in getting one at the moment. But someday… Today I bought tank tops. Not so exciting, but uber comfortable.

Then I went to the book section. I had just posted on Kristie’s blog this morning that I was worried because I hadn’t bought any books for a while. I’m not worried any more. I bought three books.

The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

Slow Burn by Julie Garwood

Not only were they books I’ve been wanting for a while, they were all paperbacks and on sale. I couldn’t resist. Now I'm waiting for The Boleyn Inheritance (Philippa Gregory) and Shadow Dance (Julie Garwood) to be released in paperback.

After a few more purchases I went next door to the grocery store. My list was full of healthy foods and I pretty much stuck to it. I did, however, have a couple things that would not fall into the healthy category. A big jar of Jiff Creamy Peanut Butter and two large jars of marshmallow cream. One jar for Katie (no contact with peanut butter) and one jar for fluffernutters. What can I say? I’m hooked.

By the time I got home I was sore and worn out. I managed to get all of the booty into the house and the cold items into the refrigerator, but that was about it. OH! And I also did three loads of laundry today.

It feels good to be able to do normal, every day things, but I’ll be glad when I’m back to full speed. In the meantime I think I’ll just read.

Mused by Jenster :: 9:04 PM :: 5 People musing:

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