Jenster's Musings

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another Drive By

Oy! I have so many things rolling around in my head and parts of a lot of those thoughts have actually made it to the computer, but nothing is complete. I've been overwhelmed with so many little things I think I should do that I haven't managed the time to write or to read. Bad Jen.

I'm not the most organized person in the world which means I must have structure to get anything accomplished. Structure is something I've had very little of lately. I have a good friend who's son is Autistic and he melts down if his routine is interrupted. I can totally relate.

That said, here are some random happenings around here.

I love my preschool kids. They are precious beyond words. I also thoroughly enjoy working with the teacher, Beth. She has a great sense of humor and her creativity never ceases to amaze me. I'm reminded every time I work why she's the teacher and I'm not. And I like it that way! Today one of the little boys who is speech delayed
was counting to six as clear as you please. And our little Autistic boy was laughing and playing and doing everything the other kids were doing. My heart was filled to overflowing today and I could cry with joy right now just thinking about it! But I won't because it doesn't fit into my schedule and you know how I am.

We are enjoying having Ben live with us, even though we don't see a lot of him. Katie's (his fiance) roommate has been out of town and she hates to stay alone, so she's been staying here as well. She sleeps in the guest room and Ben sleeps on the futon in the basement. I'm so happy we have the room to do this. Her roommate will be back in another week or so, though, and I'm going to miss having her around.

Yesterday Katie (my Katie) was playing on my laptop. Ben wanted to do laundry and I asked if he would take the towels out of the dryer and Katie would fold them. So he took the big armload of towels out and threw them on Katie. It was hysterical!

Okay. So I suppose you had to be there.

Taylor is quite a bit bigger than Katie (my Katie) and he has no problems throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Which is really kind of funny when you consider he tried that when he was about 5 and she was 3, but he wasn't strong enough and they toppled over. She broke her arm when she tried to catch herself. Poor baby in her pretty little Easter dress and an arm cast. I'll have to scan that picture and show you. It's one of my favorite pictures of the two of us. But I digress.

Anyway, when Katie is annoying Taylor (and really, when is she not?) he picks her up and puts her on the banister where she can't get off. In my defense, I had no idea he was doing that. AND it's at the bottom of the stairs. But anyway, yesterday he threw her over his shoulder and started towards the stairs, when she reached down and grabbed his boxers. She gave him the wedgie of the year! That's my girl!!

Last night a college friend of mine (a friend IN college, not FROM college) and I started a "home team" for a few of the 7th grade girls at church. There will only be four girls to start with along with Krista and me. Next week we'll start a study of James geared for teen girls and it looks like it will be perfect for them. It talks about things junior high and high school girls deal with like gossip, jealousy, peer pressure. We had a great time last night playing ice breakers, eating brownies and planning some "field trips".

The TV in our family room has surround sound with an mp3 player port. I would rather listen to music than watch TV so I've been playing my iPod a lot lately. My song list is rather eclectic. Contemporary Christian, alternative, classic rock, country, jazz, R&B, even a little Frank Sinatra. The menu shows up on the screen and a few minutes ago I saw a song coming up called Read First. Anyone hear of it?? Didn't think so. That's because it downloaded to my iPod wrong.

It's Head First by the Baby's. Love that song! Not sure what's up with the Japanese letters scrolling the bottom. And I didn't realize there was another, older song on the same video. I was never so happy as I was when John Waite cut his hair and stopped wearing tons of makeup and dangly earrings. That was NOT a good era for him.

Alright. I think that's enough random for the day. Until tomorrow...

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Mused by Jenster :: 4:23 PM :: 12 People musing:

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