Jenster's Musings

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Monday I Like

First of all -
video hosting

I hope you're all wearing green. Otherwise you might get pinched. Unless you're into that kind of thing...

Second of all -

It's the first official day of Spring Break!! I didn't have to get up early! Poor Todd, though. He still has to go to work. I did wake up long enough to tell him goodbye.

Third of all -

Katie was up before the rest of us and made both plain and chocolate chip pancakes. She's an awesome pancake maker, a skill she must have gotten from my mom because she sure didn't get it from me.


Because I'm still fighting this crud I didn't go to church yesterday morning. So I had church with Beth Moore. It was great.

Katie ditched youth group last night to stay home with me and we watched North and South. *sigh* Her squeal of delight when they both finally came to their senses was worth it.

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Mused by Jenster :: 10:33 AM :: 20 People musing:

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