Jenster's Musings

Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Your Average MOPS

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but two awesomely awesome chicks from my church started a MOPS group a few months ago and I am a mentor mom. I tell the young mothers how NOT to raise their kids. JK! But kind of not. (For those text-illiterate among you, “JK” means just kidding.) We had our February meeting last Wednesday night and in honor of Valentine’s Day the subject was spicing up your marriage. Now I never belonged to MOPS when my kids were little, but HOLY MOLY I never pictured a MOPS meeting like that! Our Children’s Ministry Director – Kelly Clark – was the speaker and she had us rolling on the floor. She was (and is) hysterical! And while spicing up the marriage was part of her message, it was more about nurturing that relationship when the kids are little and how important it is.

After that we had a “marital relations expert” on hand to “give advice” and “share ideas” about “turning up the heat”. She also had “certain items” for purchase to “aid in said advice and ideas”. (Quotation mark overuse?) Now some may find this appalling and maybe even offensive, but I make no apologies here. Sex between a husband and wife is a good thing. A really, really good thing. A really, really good GOD thing. And sex between a husband and wife of small children can be a nonexistent thing. So I say if a couple needs a little som’n som’n to help in that area then by all means.

Next month I’ll be talking about breast cancer. I know, right? Talk about a hard act to follow. And believe you me. February’s meeting is not one that is likely to be forgotten any time soon!


Mused by Jenster :: 10:35 PM :: 5 People musing:

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