Jenster's Musings

Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents' Day And Other Happenings

Happy Presidents' Day - especially those of you who get the day off of school or work. Personally I'd rather be celebrating spring. A warm, but not hot, sunny day with the windows open and the smell of fragrant flowers wafting through a very clean and dust free house (it's my fantasy, isn't it?). While I'm at it, on this very lovely day I would like to be boxing up clothes that are now much to large for me and putting away my new, significantly smaller clothes that fit just right and proclaim a chic, yet casual sense of style...

Wow. That was a great happy place. I'll have to remember to go there more often!

There is still snow everywhere. Mostly still pretty snow, except for on the sides of the roads. A good deal of that snow is rather dirty. And the snow on our deck? Sookie has an issue with getting off the deck with all the snow in the yard so she's been using the snow on the deck AS HER RESTROOM! "Don't eat yellow snow" has taken on a whole new meaning. Not to mention the poopcicles out there. Just... yuck. The silver lining? I'll get back to you.

And guess what! They're calling for more snow tonight and tomorrow night. At one time some meteorologists were saying we could get another 10 inches. Thankfully that thought is now passe and they're talking about 2 to 4 inches where we live. The silver lining? Because it's supposed to snow tonight and into the morning hours I think school is going to be delayed by 2 hours. Not such a bad thing considering we've all had the last six mornings to sleep in late. We could use a 2 hour delay to ease into getting up early again.

While I'm on a roll here, I think I'll just keep up the slightly negative tone of this post.

Todd and I are sick. Late Friday afternoon he started complaining about stomach cramps and I just figured he was being some kind of a baby (because I lack compassion. It's true.) Friday night, however, as Katie and I were watching The Princess Bride (as opposed to the opening ceremonies - don't judge me. I'm still a proud American) my tummy started doing the same thing. Sure enough. We both ended up with some weird kind of stomach bug. There has been no throwing up, but a lot of wishing there was some throwing up just to feel better. And there's been quite a bit of, um, "running" to the bathroom, if you catch my drift. I was actually going to go into work this morning, but my stomach still hurts and I can't eat much of anything without feeling horrible. Weird. The silver lining? I'm starting my weight loss program today! And heaven forbid the kids get it and miss school - from my fingers to God's eyes.

My sister, Terri, lives in Fort Worth. They, too, had snow. Quite a bit for that region, in fact. She had a great time playing in the snow with her grandson, Anthony. They had snowball fights and built a snowman. Lots of fun for an awesome grandma. But she slipped and fell Friday night on her driveway, breaking her leg at the ankle and requiring an ambulance ride to the hospital. They set it and put a splint on it, but when the swelling goes down she'll require surgery. The silver lining? They prescribed her some killer goofers!

I've been reading An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon for the last couple of months. It's a little over 800 pages and I'm having a fairly difficult time with it. If you don't know anything about this book I'll tell you. It's book number 7 in the Outlander series. The first several books of the series are amazingly good and the real talent DG has is for building such complex characters that you end up feeling as though they're good friends. So you keep reading the series, even though the books start getting a little bogged down. I'm finding this current read a little bit like a treasure hunt. There's a lot of sand to dig though, but I keep coming up with little, or big, gems so it makes the work worth it. Living near Philadelphia with all it's Revolutionary War history makes it interesting, too, because that's what's going on in the book. So I'm enjoying it, and yet I'm not. I just want to read the good parts and move on to a much smaller, much more shallow and insipid, much easier book to read! But I can't until I've finished this one. So maybe I should get off the computer and read some more.

Oh wait! I forgot I was supposed to post more pictures of the blizzard. So without further ado, I give you THE GREAT BLIZZARD OF 2010

And how about these pictures of "Meerkat Brady", taken by Laura. He was looking for his girlfriend through the snow, but couldn't see over the drifts!

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Mused by Jenster :: 2:00 PM :: 4 People musing:

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