Jenster's Musings

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Avast, Me Hearties!

Today is September 19 - better known as International Talk Like a Pirate Day to buccaneers and scaliwags alike. A time to grab yerself a pint o' grog, admire Capt'n Jack Sparrow and say things like "Argh" and "Shiver me timbers!" Just go check out the website. It's a hoot!


I finished Viscount Vagabond last night. It was quite a contrast from the previous book (Fool Moon by Jim Butcher). One thing I got a kick out of was the hero's manner of speech. Max is an English Viscount who, before obtaining the title due to his older brother's death, adventured to America. So when he has to come back to take his place as heir, his formal English is peppered with Americanisms, like "ain't". Not something you see in your average Regency novel. Now I'll have to start The Devil's Delilah just to see Max's friend, Jack, get his Happily Ever After.

Mused by Jenster :: 8:56 AM :: 0 People musing:

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