Jenster's Musings

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fun Stuff

The family was going to go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art yesterday - my choice to celebrate my birthday. But the Philadelphia marathon was today and there was a health fair on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway so we decided it would be too crowded.

Instead we went to Peddler's Village in Lahaska, Pennsylvania - a quaint 18th century shopping village. Katie and I were very much looking forward to it, but Todd and Taylor weren't quite as enthused. Since the outing was all about me and not them, however, they kept blurting out how much fun it was.

Todd - This place is great!

Taylor - I know! Can we stay all day??

Todd - Oh, I hope so!

We did have a good time, though. We made fools of ourselves in the hat store:

Taylor the Jester (very appropriate)

Katie the Astronaut.

Shopping. Eating. Good times.

And along with the B&N Gift Certificate, Taylor gave me a Gift Certificate to Starbucks and Katie gave me a YA book called Pirates! by Celia Rees, a book mark and a pretty bracelet.

Tomorrow Katie and I are going to New York City for the day. WOO HOO!!!

Mused by Jenster :: 2:29 PM :: 9 People musing:

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