Jenster's Musings

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dreams and a White Russian

Last night I dreamt Will Farrell was dressed up as Elton John at a costume party and when I showed up without a costume I said I was Kiki Dee so I wouldn't get in trouble. Unfortunately Will Farrell heard me and said I had to come sing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" with him. I agreed, but kept finding things I had to do first to avoid getting on the stage in front of all the people. Thankfully I woke up before I had to sing.

Why? This dream is more insane than the Oprah dream. Or at least as insane. Zeek - would you like to interpret this one??


I had my regular checkup with the White Russian today. It was nice to go in for something other than a problem. Their computers were down and it had the entire office in turmoil. I usually go straight to an exam room, but today I had to go back to the chemo room. It's the first time I've been to the chemo room at this oncologist's office and it gave me a moment's pause.

I don't know how well I can explain this, but I'll give it the old college try. It's been my experience that oncology doctors and technicians and nurses are among the nicest people on the planet. When I was going through chemotherapy I had to go in to the office every week for blood work and received chemo every three weeks. While I wasn't thrilled to have several gallons of what was comparable to fertilizer pumped through my veins, I did enjoy the people there. They were cheerful and compassionate and a fun group. Today I remembered just how much I enjoyed them and it made me a little melancholy.

But I got over it quick. I was given a great report and don't have to show up for another three months. My blood counts were all great. Both my rashes and blisters are clearing and I'm starting to feel almost normal again. I think, anyway. I'm not sure. It's been so long since I've felt normal I could be far from it. But whatever. I feel way better than I have for a long time.

Father's Day was the day we were to leave for Hawaii. Instead we'll be in the Poconos. Tomorrow we're taking the trailer up to the mountains for a much needed family get away. Even though I'm feeling much better and my skin seems to be clearing up, I'm glad we postponed Hawaii. I still don't know how my skin is going to react to suntan lotion, sunshine and bug spray. Guess we'll find out this weekend.

After the last six months we've had we're all looking forward to this weekend. We need some time away from phones and T.V.s (though we have a small one - lol) and just connect as a family. I'm planning on getting a book or two read, also.

This will probably be my last post until next week. At that time I'll have glorious pictures to share. Or at least a story or two. And I apologize for not being a very good bloggerfriend. I sort of freak out when things don't go according to my "schedule" and nothing's gone according to my schedule these last two weeks. So I've been to visit all of you, but I haven't been leaving comments because I've been too frazzled. I'm sure you'll be sorry when I come back from camping all refreshed and revived and have lots to say to your posts.

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Mused by Jenster :: 7:08 PM :: 13 People musing:

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